The South Bend Regional Chamber, South Bend, Ind.,(“商会”)尊重会员及浏览本网站人士的私隐. Subject to the provisions of applicable laws, 您提交给本局的任何资料,将不会以任何未经您同意的方式使用. 虽然商会分析其网站日志,以监测流量和改进网站的内容, its website logs are not personally identifiable, 并且没有尝试将它们链接到本网站的个人访问者.


Personally Identifiable Information

在您不知情或未采取行动的情况下,我们不会在商会网站上收集您的个人身份信息. Your information is collected through the membership registration form, email newsletter registration and/or event registration forms. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name (first and last), company name, company address, phone number, fax number, email address, and credit card information. 您应该意识到,如果您在公告板或社交媒体或其他由南本德地区商会主办的公开论坛上披露任何信息, 其他人可能会收集该等资料,以便从商会以外向阁下发送未经索取的资料作其他用途.


Use of Personally Identifiable Information

我们保留与某些第三方共享您的联系信息的选择权. 这些机构可以包括金融机构、服务提供商、承包商或附属组织. 您始终可以选择不接收来自商会以及上述第三方的信息.


Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Non-Personally Identifiable Information includes, but is not limited to, 我们会自动收集有关您使用和/或在我们网站上的行为的信息(e.g., user traffic patterns, page views on the website, click-through rates, search terms that users enter into our search utility). In addition, when a visitor arrives at our site, we collect the IP address, operating system, and browser software used. IP地址(与电子邮件地址不同)可以告诉我们用户的互联网服务提供商和, based on that, can suggest the geographic location of the connection. 分庭认识到某些具有关键人口统计性质的用户信息(例如.g., race, age, gender, national origin, income), while Non-Personally Identifiable Information, is still of a sensitive nature to users. 一般而言,本局不会透过本网站收集有关阁下的资料 website. However, in recognition of the sensitive nature of such information, in the event the Chamber comes into possession of such information, 无论是通过您自愿提交此类信息以响应网站上的特殊功能,还是通过从我们的任何业务合作伙伴处接收此类信息, such information shall, when coupled with any of your Personally Identifiable Information, 本身应被视为个人身份资料,并由分庭视为个人身份资料.


Use of Non-Personally Identifiable Information

一般而言,非个人身份信息可帮助我们确定如何 website is being used, helps us identify popular areas of the website, 并帮助确定我们关于网站的促销活动的有效性.


Use of “Cookies”

Our website uses "cookies" (i.e., 一个小的数据文件,我们的网站写入用户的硬盘驱动器),以帮助跟踪您使用我们的网站, including what advertising you have seen.'s cookies do not include personal information about you, 但它们对每个用户都是唯一的,并包括一个成员ID #(一个随机生成的唯一号码),使网站能够在您访问时识别您, so you: (1) do not have to remember your username and password each time you visit the website; and (2) receive any personalized services you requested when you registered. 

Neither our website, nor the cookies we write to the hard drives of our users, read any data off of your hard drive outside of our cookies. This includes not reading any cookie files created by other websites. 您可以通过在浏览器中关闭cookies来拒绝我们的cookies(有关如何这样做的更多信息), please refer to your browser's documentation). You do not need to have cookies turned on in your browser to use our website; however, 没有cookies,您将无法使用我们网站的某些自动功能和特性. 我们还使用cookie来衡量电子邮件的点击率.


Third Party Use of Personal Information

The Chamber website contains links to other internet websites, including co-branded or other affiliated sites. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, 我们对此类网站的隐私惯例或内容概不负责, including such sites' use of any information.



您理解并同意,“完美”的安全不存在于任何地方,包括在互联网上. When you send credit card information, we encrypt this information between your computer and our server. Other information you send to this site, including email messages, will not be encrypted unless we advise you otherwise. Our website is protected by a firewall and monitored for security.


Merchant Services

您可以在本网站访问与第三方有关的某些信息, or via links, banner ads or click-thrus from the site, regarding the goods or services of third parties. 您理解并同意,您对这些服务的访问或使用完全是您与相关第三方之间的事情, 分庭对任何此种进入或使用不承担任何责任.


Legal Disclaimer

本网站提供的信息旨在帮助用户处理自己的法律问题, business, financial, and other needs. 这些信息与聘请这些领域的专家提供建议是不一样的. Although we go to great lengths to ensure the information is accurate, we strongly recommend you consult an expert, including but not limited to a lawyer, accountant, financial services consultant, or other professional as appropriate. 本网站所载的任何内容均不应被视为合法的, financial, professional or other advice for specific cases, 并且用户有责任从自己的法律顾问处获取此类建议, financial or other counsel. The information contained on this site is intended for educational, background and informational purposes only.


Notice to Parents or Guardians

We want to help you protect your child’s privacy. 我们鼓励您告诉您的孩子,在使用互联网时,如何安全、负责任地使用他们的个人信息.


Correcting, Updating or Deleting Information

The website gives users the option to correct, update or delete any information previously provided to us by the user; however, 我们将保留用户信息的副本,作为我们网站标准备份/存档过程的一部分. In addition, 这些程序不会删除您提供给我们的信息, or collected from you by, the websites of our business partners. 我们不负责确保在您允许的情况下或根据本隐私声明的其他规定,从我们的业务合作伙伴的网站上删除或删除我们向我们的业务合作伙伴提供的您的信息.

To make changes to your contact information, or to opt out of receiving information, please contact us in one of the following ways:
Send an email to [email protected], or send a written request to:

Customer Service
South Bend Regional Chamber 
101 N. Michigan St., Suite 300
South Bend, IN 46601
Call us at 574.234.0051

The Chamber website is P3P compliant.


Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to other websites. This does not constitute an endorsement of their policies or products. 一旦您链接到另一个网站,您必须遵守新网站的隐私政策.


Changes to This Privacy Policy

本隐私政策的任何重大变更将通过本网页通知用户.  用户有责任使用此资源来更新 website privacy policy.

Updated August 2019